Hi.. from DewDrop Craftz

This blog is a little part of the blogging world adapted to show samples, inspiration and forthcoming ideas from the realms of DewDrop Craftz..


Thursday, 15 March 2012

Well, it's been a while.

I have been extremely busy with my other side of the business to DewDrop Craftz and have been trying to get ahead of myself ready for the up and coming new tax year as well..

So now I've managed to do most of that lol.. I am back with my blog :)

I have added some new images to the website with still more to come back on.. and DDCVinyl is now also well and truly up and running.. 

So should you need personalised gifts, some of which feature images from my digital range.. why not pop along to the site and have a peek in the shop.

Just a couple of the new items include images from Tash Brown and will be back in-store as digi images soon.

In the meantime, happy crafting :)
Nikki x