Hi.. from DewDrop Craftz

This blog is a little part of the blogging world adapted to show samples, inspiration and forthcoming ideas from the realms of DewDrop Craftz..


Saturday 14 February 2009

Some bad news..

At the moment the site is down for maintainance due to the updating of the website.. but moreso because my webhost hasn't done it's job properly and allowed my domain name to be transferred in time to my new host.. so not a happy bunny..

This therefore means the site will be down for a few days instead of the intended one day..

Also.. I did not have any entries to the recipe challenge.. and this is the last challenge this blog will be hosting :(

Don't dispair though.. the new website has a challenge blog.. and the design team will be running the challenges on their as well.. so more inspiration and ideas.. with lots of challenge ideas..

Well.. off to sort out another email to my webhosts.. and here's to seeing you all again soon on the new and improved DewDrop Craftz site.

Nikki x

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