Hi.. from DewDrop Craftz

This blog is a little part of the blogging world adapted to show samples, inspiration and forthcoming ideas from the realms of DewDrop Craftz..


Monday, 28 July 2008


After an anxious few weeks I can finally reveal to you a glimpse of my new range of stamps.

As you may well know I like to be unusual with the style of stamps I provide and believe me, these are to be no different.

I have been searching for artists in the style of anime/manga for a while and have finally found a great bunch hidden away from the crafting world..

This first set of images are from a young artist names Jade 'Chiichanny' Love.. and here is a little she says about herself..

I am Jade "Chiichanny" Love.

I have been drawing ever since I was a small child and specialize in Fantasy and Anime/Manga art work. I do Fan art and Original art and got into anime and manga drawing when I was 13 and have been working hard on it ever since.
I love Japanese music, Anime, Manga and culture and also love Gaming, I am British and live in the UK. and my most favorite thing is food and sweets.

The first release of these new style stamps will be August 1st.. and here is the preview of some stamps that will be available from that release..

Something different for you to enjoy..

Nikki x


Winterstar said...

wow my little cousin will love these and may be I will be able to get someone else in the family hooked so they don't think I am totally mad LOL!

Canne said...

These are amazing! can't wait to buy!